Q. What are Whitfert's payment terms?
A. All pricing is for payment before delivery either by:
- Cheque
- Electronic Transfer
- Credit Card, 1% charge
- Direct Debit Authority
- B Pay
Q. Are fixed prices available?
A. Yes. Subject to:
- Total tonnes ordered
- Type of products ordered
- Collection schedule
- Time and method of payment
Q. What Credit options are available?
A. Whifert has four different credit options available, which are subject to credit approval.
WhitFast - Standing Direct Debit 7- 10 Days.
- Fertilizer Collected Monday to Sunday (Week 1)
- Tax invoice summary and Direct Debit advice emailed to customer, Monday (Week 2)
- Direct Debit actioned, Wednesday (Week 2)
Whit5 - Standing Direct Debit on 5th of the following month.
- Product collected all month long.
- Receieve a tax invoice summary and statement at the end of the month.
- Direct Debit advice on the 1st of the new month.
- Direct Debit activated on 5th of the new month.
WhitPay - Standing Direct Debit on 20th of the following month.
- Product collected all month long.
- Receieve a tax invoice summary and statement at the end of the month.
- Direct Debit advice on the 5th of the following month.
- Direct Debit activated on 20th of the following month.
- Up to 50 days credit.
After Harvest Terms
- Product Collected from March 1st onwards.
- Payment due on January 20th the following year.
- Admin charge applicable
- Maximum 300 days credit.
- 8.99% pro rata.
Please contact 1800 654 089 for further information.
Q. Can fungicides be applied by Whitfert?
A. Yes. Flutriafol and Uniform at a full range of rates are available.
Q. Are special discounts or shed clearance available?
A. These discounts may be available from time to time and generally revolve around storage and logistics. Phone 1800 654 089 for current details.